
Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Purchase Paid Advertising

Did you know the average American is exposed to 4,000 to 10,000 ads per day?

It may seem hard to believe, but take a look around.

Ads are everywhere. Seriously, everywhere. Every business owner wants their product or service to be seen. And who could blame ‘em?

Purchasing online paid advertising is a great way to reach your next potential customer.

Think of all the times you noticed an ad and either admired the way it simply caught your attention or even compelled you to buy whatever was being advertised... 

That advertiser successfully beat banner blindness! And you can do the same for your business.

A study by Unbounce showed that PPC visitors are 50% more likely to purchase something than organic visitors. In a perfect world, every new viewer will convert. But that’s just not going to happen. 

Don’t get discouraged though. What you can do to increase the likelihood of generating more traffic, leads and best of all, conversions, is have a bulletproof paid advertising strategy.

We’ll cover...

  • The different types of paid advertising
  • How paid advertising works
  • Online advertising networks
  • Paid advertising benefits

Want to know how you can make the best out of your paid advertising campaign? 

Keep reading!

The different types of paid advertising

Like Girl Scout cookies, it can be overwhelming trying to pick just which kind of paid advertising you want when you have a limited budget. Otherwise, you’d probably buy all of them.

Here’s a brief breakdown:

Pay per click: An advertiser pays when their ad is clicked on.

Cost per view: An advertiser pays each time their mobile video ad is viewed.

Pay per download: An advertiser can either charge users for the downloaded content or require them to fill out a survey or quiz. This generates revenue from a third party advertiser. Or, an advertiser can pay an affiliate marketer a commission once users download content via the marketer’s promotion.

Display ads: These are text-based, image or video advertisements that attract your targeted audience and persuade them to take action on a website, social media platform, etc.

Video ads: These are video advertisements that pop up either before, during, or after a video stream online. 

Pretty straightforward, right? Now, let’s dive into the nitty gritty of it all.

How paid advertising works

Now that you’re familiar with the different kinds of paid advertising, you’re probably wondering, ‘OK great, but what do I do next?’

This is where we’ll explain just what paid advertising entails and how you can create a killer strategy.

Organic vs paid - what’s the difference?

Organic (unpaid) traffic is often earned through blood, sweat and tears. Well, probably not blood... But there’s a good chance for the sweat and tears part. 

Basically, your entire life has to be optimized for SEO.

This means:

  • Performing keyword research
  • Optimizing for long-tail keyword variations
  • Writing strong headlines
  • Consistently posting strong, creative content
  • Distributing your content across social channels

While doing all of this pays off in the long run (and is highly recommended), it is incredibly dependent on time.
It takes a while to complete each of those tasks, and it can take an even longer while for your site to rank where you want it to on Google. 

Ain’t nobody got time for that. 

If you have something you want to show the world now, paid advertising is your friend. You can spare yourself the time, blood, sweat and tears.

According to WordLead stats, Google Ads results receive 65% of the clicks that started with buying keywords, while organic results only receive 35%. Let that sink in.

Keyword research

Keyword research is crucial to your online advertising campaign. If you place bids on generic keywords, you may see an increase in traffic. But the thing is, is that because these keywords are so broad, it’s likely you won’t see many conversions.


Let’s say you want to figure out how to generate more leads using video.

Think about if you typed “lead generation” into Google. You’d get...well, over a billion results. (No joke!)

Now, compare that to if you typed “lead generation video marketing” - 168 million results. It’s far more specific, and you’re more likely to find the information you’re looking for.

This is what you want to aim for when you create your ad.

When you use relevant, long-tail keywords as an advertiser, you…

  • Narrow down your competition
  • Maximize your budget
  • Get more targeted leads
  • Increase the likelihood of leads converting

High quality ads will get you high quality visitors.


Going once… Going twice… Sold!

When you decide you want to take the paid search marketing route, you’ll be doing some bidding. On what, exactly?

A new car!

Okay, not a new car. But something just as beneficial. 


Your bid indicates just how much money you want to pay for each click on your ad max. 

What determines your ad’s search engine results page ranking (SERP) are your max bid and quality score

Unsure if you have a good quality score? Do your best to publish high quality landing pages and attain a high clickthrough rate. Those two factors will help show Google your content is relevant and useful to users. Thus, increasing your SERP ranking.

Online advertising networks

Wondering where you want people to discover your product? You’ve got a few options!

Google Ads

Google is so popular that the dictionary recognizes the brand name as a verb. It’s the head honcho of search engines, after all. (Sorry, Bing and Yahoo!) So, Google Ads is a good place to start if you want your ad to be seen.

Thousands of companies utilize this network to help get their product seen. A Google Economic Impact Report stated ‘businesses make an average of $2 in revenue for every $1 they spend on Google Ads.’ Not too shabby, huh?

With Google Ads, you can easily create display and search ads. Your display ads will be featured on their partner websites, which means they could pop up on YouTube. 

Benefits of using Google Ads include:
- Laser-targeting settings
- Cost control
- Tracking
- Manage and monitor campaign

To set up a campaign on Google Ads:

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account (or create one!)
  2. Click ‘Campaigns’
  3. Select ‘New Campaign’
  4. Choose a goal for your campaign
  5. Pick a campaign type
  6. Click ‘Continue’
  7. Select your campaign settings
  8. Save and continue


With 1.62 million daily users, it would be silly not to consider setting up a campaign on the most popular social platform.

A Facebook report shows over 3 million businesses use their advertising platform. This would be the perfect time to jump on the bandwagon if you haven’t already.

The average cost per click has decreased to just $1.72 and impressions have increased by 37%, which is even better news for advertisers. This means more results for less money.

- Targeting 
- Large mobile audience 
- Brand awareness

To create an ad on Facebook:

  1. Go to Ads Manager
  2. Choose your objective (based on awareness, consideration, conversion)
  3. Select your audience
  4. Decide where to run your ad
  5. Set a budget
  6. Choose a format
  7. Place your order
  8. Track and edit your campaign


We know we called Google the head honcho earlier, but we’ve got love for Bing too. They’re an underdog. And believe it or not, but you may experience more success on Bing than you would Google.

You might be wondering, ‘How could that be when 90% of the internet uses Google?’

The fact of the matter is that there’s a good chunk of people who use other search engines. We’re talking 137 million. 

And if you’re still thinking, ‘there’s no way’, make sure you’re sitting down for this next stat...

35% of online searches in the country go to Bing, and they rack up 6 billion searches every month. Yep. Like we said, they’re truly an underdog. 

When you run your campaign through Bing, your ad appears on Yahoo and AOL too.

Bing Ads compared to Google Ads:
- Lower cost-per-click
- Campaign control
- Less competition

To set up a campaign on Bing:

  1. Create a Bing Ads account
  2. Import your Google Ads campaign (*optional)
  3. Research using their Keyword Planner
  4. Create campaign


Who isn’t killing time watching videos these days? Marketers have caught on to this and have implemented it into the paid advertising strategy.

In 2019, Thinkwithgoogle reported that 90 percent of people say they discover new brands or products on YouTube.

To set up a campaign on YouTube: https://www.dummies.com/business/start-a-business/small-business-marketing/how-to-set-up-a-paid-youtube-video-marketing-ad/

Benefits of paid advertising

If you’re on the fence about paid advertising because of the potential cost, have no fear. Paid advertising can give you the extra boost your company needs to start reeling customers in.

Affordable & measurable

Want to spend $50 on ads a month? $500? $5,000? You can. Advertising doesn’t need to break the bank. You can get results regardless of your budget.

Instant high-quality traffic 

Assuming you’ve aced your keyword research, you’ll get visitors who are genuinely interested in your product or service, not just any Joe Schmoe. 

Laser-focused targeting

The internet never sleeps. So while you may be sleeping, others may be stumbling upon your ad. You can count on your visitors to be 

More qualified leads

This one goes hand-in-hand with instant high-quality traffic. Because people who need your product or service are discovering you, it’s only natural that there will be more qualified leads.

Increase in brand awareness

Even if users don’t click on your ad, they’ll remember your business the more they’re exposed to it.

Wrap up

According to a Search Engine Land survey, 75% of people said paid search ads make it easier to find the information they’re looking for on a website or search engine. Roughly 33% of people click on a paid search ad because it directly answers their search query.

This is an insightful statistic to consider if you’re hesitant about paying for ads.

And if you’re still feeling hesitant about it, just remember...

When you do your research and find out how to craft a compelling ad before forking over your hard-earned moolah, there’s a darn good chance your campaign will be successful.  

You have a product or service you want people to know about. If you’d like some assistance with your campaign, feel free to contact us today to learn how we can boost your conversions.


About the Author

Bernard Ablola

President, Think Strategy

Bernard Ablola is the founder of Think Strategy, where he helps clients formulate their online strategy and framework to ensure projects are kept on track. He is a frequent speaker on B2B lead generation and marketing automation. Prior to Think Strategy, Bernard earned his MBA in Entrepreneurship/International Studies from Seattle University and worked at Microsoft Corporation, managing multi-million search and display advertising campaigns for top tier clients. When he’s not embedding himself in learning, you can find him hiking or skateboarding throughout Southern California, walking his Pomsky (Google it) or finding THE spiciest Asian food in the city.